Reverse Your Disease & Live a Healthy Life

Know more about how we help you in your journey to reverse your health issues from the root cause.

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Why do conventional treatments not work ?

There is limited knowledge about the importance of nutrition as a source of healing in our current healthcare system. Also, there is a lack of awareness about how our bodies heal itself and hence we rely on medications or surgery to give us temporary relief.

Learn More How it Works

Only addresses the symptoms of the disease

Conventional treatments are focused on suppressing the symptoms rather than treating the root cause of the diseases.

No patient-centric plan

Conventional approaches fail because they ignore the vast differences and needs from person to person. 

No real change

Suppressing symptoms are accompanied by relapse of the chronic diseases while the medications never cease.

Negligible focus on lifestyle

Maintaining and restoring health to effectively utilize the natural healing processes requires a bit more than visiting the doctor.


Our Approach & Methodology:

Detailed Analysis of Lifestyle

We take in account all the details of lifestyle - health issues, meals, timetable, preferences, location, work pattern and medications.

Holistic Approach

We support healing on four main parameters - Food & Nutrition, Sleep, Emotional Wellbeing and Physical Movement.

Educational Resources

Education is more important than medication. Hence we also focus on empowering you with right information.

Monthly Reviews

We review your progress every 25-30 days throughout your plan to understand how your body is responding to our recommendations.

Constant Support & Follow up

A dedicated health officer is assigned to inspire throughout your journey & ensure that you achieve your health goals with ease.

Simple & Doable Plans

A personalized solution that caters to your specific health issues and fits into your lifestyle & routine for sustainability.


We have helped and inspired more than 7000+ people worldwide to reverse their lifestyle diseases.

Call Now: 81005 50660


Follow 6 Simple Steps to be Disease Free



One-to one assessments for each patient, to understand their current lifestyle.



We will cocreate a plan that incorporates nutrition, movement and sleep guidance.


Coaching Support

A dedicated Health Officer to support you throughout your journey for best results.


Live Sessions

Attend live yoga and meditation sessions, to tackle their health issues at a holistic level.


Yoga Classes

Live sessions to help patients transition the recommended lifestyle changes.


Live Disease-free!

With all these steps, reverse your health issues for lifelong.

We are trusted by over 7000+ clients. Join the Health Revolution Now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

We have seen from our experiences that every individual is different. Hence it is not right to say that you can reduce X kgs in a month. Many people may end up losing 2-3 kgs in a month, many lose 4-5 kgs and few may lose 1-2 in a month. Important is not how much we lose in a month, important is that we do the right thing consistently. Once the input is right, the output has to be right. The key is consistency and sustainability. Once you lose weight, it should not come back.

We do not have a policy of money back. We will be your support system and we will work together with you to ensure you achieve desired results but we do not have the policy of money back guarantee.

1. We specializes in disease reversal whereas most dieticians focus only on weight loss. We believe weight loss is just a byproduct of being healthy.
2. Our R&D wing of RF which only deals in continuous research & latest science on medical nutrition. It brings in latest discoveries on how & which food can reverse diseases.
3. We deal in disease reversal / health plans/ health articles / healthy food delivery / Superfoods / blood tests , whereas any dietician is a one-person show.

You should not stop the medicines as soon as you start your program with us. Medicines or insulin should be gradually lowered and then stopped by constantly monitoring the health issues. Let your body and your health numbers tell you when to reduce. Your health officer or your doctor can also guide you to do the same.

Don't Wait, talk with our Expert Now!

We can wait but not your disease so join our journey in helping people become free from their lifestyle diseases.